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- 4-H Youth Development
- About
- Clubs and Programs
Kansas 4-H offers a variety of clubs and program options for youth across Kansas. Contact your local extension office to learn about 4-H opportunities available in your area.
- 4-H members must be at least 7 years old and not have had their 19th birthday by January 1 of the current year.
- Members live in towns, in the country and on farms, and is open to all youth.
- The 4-H year runs from October 1 thru September 30.
School-Based Programs
After School Programs (school-age care) involves youth outside of school hours usually in a school or other community center. It is supported by Extension through training the after-school staff, infusing curricula into the program and/or other significant support, such as conducting needs assessments, evaulations, and/or resource development. The primary purpose of this program is to provide care, developmental and educational experiences for youth while parents are working or unavailable.
School enrichment involves a sequence of learning experiences in cooperation with educational officials during school hours to support the curriculum. School enrichment programs involve direct teaching by extension staff or trained volunteers, including teachers.
4-H Camp at Rock Springs
Every year, thousands of kids come to 4-H Camp at Rock Springs Ranch. They unplug, explore, play and learn the kinds of lessons that can last a lifetime. Campers grow socially, emotionally, physically and cognitively. Many make friends for life. It’s also just plain FUN!
The values of 4-H are at the core of Rock Springs Ranch and they guide all of our programming. We believe the lessons learned here can create a foundation for success that will last far beyond their visit. But you don’t have to be a 4-H member to come to camp at Rock Springs! Everyone is welcome, regardless of 4-H membership!
Visit Rock Springs Ranch if you’d like to learn more about sessions, dates, rates and the 4-H Camp experience!
Cloverbuds (5-6 years old)
The overall purpose of the 4-H Cloverbuds program is to foster the development of life skills that are essential for the cognitive, social, emotional and physical maturation of five-and six-year olds by providing a unique educational opportunity. Cloverbud programs focus on fun, noncompetitive, group-centered learning.
Goals for Kansas 4-H Cloverbuds
- Self-understanding skills (Initiating independence and self-direction)
- Social skills (Getting along with others)
- Decision-making skills (Making positive choices)
- Learning skills (Learning to learn)
- Mastering physical skills (Enjoying constructive and creative play)
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Kansas 4-H offers a variety of club formats and options to best fit their community and participants.
Community Clubs
- The 4-H Community Club structure is intended to be a flexible learning community.
After School Clubs
- After School Programs (school-age care) involves youth outside of school hours usually in a school or other community center.
Project-Based Clubs
- Project clubs are organized around a specific subject matter area (e.g. robotics, shooting sports, rabbits, dogs, etc.) and provide a long-term, progressive series of educational experiences.
Military Clubs
- Military 4-H clubs are organized by the armed forces, often on military installations, and principally for military dependents.
Minimum Standards
- Be led/advised by two or more screened and board approved adult volunteers
- Enroll at least five youth members from at least three families
- Emphasizes project exploration, leadership, and civic engagement
- Conduct a minimum of six regular educational experiences per year
- Gatherings include but are not limited to business meetings, project meetings, service-learning opportunities, and other 4-H learning activities
- Democratically elect youth leaders to provide direction to the club with shared youth leadership opportunities with shared decision-making, with agreed-upon rules or bylaws
- Keep meeting, project, and financial records and submit required reports
- Follow state and local 4-H Policy
- 4-H Charter
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Independent Members
Kansas 4-H believes that participation in an Organized 4-H Club is the preferred method of involvement for members, but acknowledges there are sometimes extenuating circumstances that may make Independent 4-H Membership a viable way to still engage in 4-H Youth Development learning.
This mode of learning that occurs independently of a formal group setting. It might be individual, in a pair, or a family learning effort. It includes self-directed learning, usually with limited adult involvement except for parents (or a mentor). Examples include self-study, home study courses, advanced placement courses, mentoring or shadowing with an “expert,” or entire families learning together.
Any youth who wishes to be an Independent 4-H Member must complete an Individualized Study Agreement, which must be reviewed and approved.
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Special Interest
4-H SPIN Clubs involve groups of youth meeting for a specific learning experience that involves direct teaching by extension staff or trained volunteers, including teachers.
The program is not part of a school curriculum and is not restricted to members of 4-H clubs. Groups might include military youth not in military clubs or SPIN (Special Interest) programs. These programs are designed to be short in duration.
Teen Leadership Opportunities
Kansas 4-H Project Partnership Teams
Kansas 4-H Project Partnership Teams serve to bring youth, volunteers, and K-State Research and Extension staff together to plan and conduct educational state 4-H programs, events and activities.
Youth Leadership Council
Kansas 4-H Youth Leadership Council provides leadership development opportunities for teens and helps plan and organize multiple state 4-H events and programs annually.
4-H Ambassador programs require a sincere desire to promote 4-H, willingness to interact with the general public, interest in improving communication skills, willingness to speak in front of groups and a commitment of your time and energy.
Global Citizen Opportunities
Kansas 4-H Exchange Programs are truly "learn by doing" experiences in global citizenship. Kansas 4-H Exchange Programs are conducted by Kansas 4-H Youth Development and K-State Research and Extension.
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