Horse Panorama Banner with Text

When: February 22-23, 2025

Event Web Flyer

DRAFT Schedule

Register Here

Hippology, Horse Bowl, Presentation Rules

Virtual Rules

First-timers event:
A first-timers event will be held for beginners with little to know experience studying with a team for Panorama. This event is for youth with intro knowledge who want to know what an actual competition would look like and what type of material to study. While First-timers is open to all ages, it is targeted specifically toward ages 8-12 years. We focus on the process of the contest without scoring. Kids who are interested in an introduction to Panorama in a fun learning environment should consider participating.
First-timers also get a tour of Rock Springs with a special insider's view of the Christy Stables.
**Please bring a clipboard and pencil.

Registration includes housing and meals at Rock Springs as well as contest fees. Everyone who attends MUST register. All youth must have an adult chaperone.


Youth Participant- Full time $155 (February 22-23)
Youth Participant with Friday check-in $185.00
Youth Participant Saturday only $130
Adult Full-time $130
Adult with Friday check-in $170
Virtual $0

Where: Rock Springs

Who: 4-H Members ages 9-18 and adult volunteers. Horse Panorama is a compilation of various contests related to the Horse Project. Contests include: quiz bowl, hippology, public speaking presentations, photography and educational posters.