State 4-H Photography Judging Contest

The State 4-H Photography Judging Contest takes place the first Sunday of the Kansas State Fair. The contest will consist of six classes of photographs, one problem class and a knowledge test.

The Photography Judging test questions will be taken from the following five sources: (Intermediate test will not include questions from Level 3).

National 4-H Photography Curriculum

These are also available at the Extension Book Store.

  • National Geographic, Ultimate Field Guide to Photography (2009 edition)

Judging Practice Classes

These are the photography judging classes from past State Fair contests. They are Adobe pdf files and require Adobe Reader to view.

To view a larger view of a photo click on the photo and to return to the class click in the larger image. Click the last line of text to see the official placing and reasons. To go to another class click on the class desired from the list on the left side.
