Tips on Submitting the Electronic Forms for the National Background Check

Kansas 4-H International Exchange Programs are sponsored by K-State Research and Extension. One of the tenets of exchange programs is to provide a safe environment and a safe homestay for all youth and young adults involved in exchange programs. Kansas 4-H follows the Council on Standards for International Educational Travel. CSIET standards call for an in-home interview, positive references and a background check on every adult 18 or older who will be living in the home during the exchangees stay. Adults, 18 and over who are visiting in the home for a short period do not need to complete the background check. If you have issues about the process, please contact Deryl Waldren, Extension Specialist Emeritus & Liaison for Exchange Programs, at 303-349-7403.

National Background Check Form. The following tips will help you navigate the national background check process:
  • Click on the link, National Back Ground Check.
  • Click on the Extension unit (county) where you participate in 4-H.
  • Each person 18 and over needing a background check must have a separate e-mail address and completely follow the process outlined. It is not possible to use the same e-mail address for multiple persons in the home, since the system does not allow for that. By using the same e-mail address, it will simply overwrite the information inputted, and only run the background check on the last person to use that e-mail address.
  • Enter specific e-mail address. Remember e-mail addresses cannot be re-used or made up. It must be a real functioning e-mail address.
  • Create a password and confirm password.
  • Follow the prompts and answer the question to verify.
  • Fill in all the information requested by using your full name. Do not use nicknames or abbreviations. For example, use James Madison Smith, Jr., not Jimmy Smith.
  • Under the field – Address 2, type in “IFYE Host Family Check”. This will allow us to track your family’s background checks in the system much easier.
  • Do not use the back arrow. This will take you back to the first page where it will ask you to re-insert your password and to reconfirm your password. After entering this information once, you should then go to the upper right corner and log in using your existing password.
  • Read the presented information boxes. Tick the boxes indicating you have read the information, understand the contents and/or agree that all statements are true. Click on the “next” button to continue the process.
  • In a later screen verify that your contact information is correct. If not, edit it, and hit the “next” button.
  • Enter you date of birth and your social security number (confirm it) when prompted.
  • Insert your electronic signature using your mouse/pad when prompted. Tick the box affirming the information and signature.
  • Hit "submit" and exit the system before starting another background check, if needed.
  • Your results will be automatically sent to the Kansas State 4-H Office where they will be reviewed. You do not have to do anything else once you have submitted the background check request.
  • If you have questions or problems with getting the process to work, please contact the State 4-H office 785-532-5800.
  • Thank you for your cooperation.

For More Information

Mary Kay Munson
States' 4-H Academic Year Program,
States' 4-H Exchange Programs
and IFYE Outbound Coordinator

Pam VanHorn
-Kansas 4-H Japan Inbound Exchange Coordinator


Kansas IFYE Inbound Coordinator - Open


Deryl E. Waldren
Extension Specialist Emeritus &
Liaison for Exchange Programs