Fair Food Judge

Online Fair Food Judge Training

Click here to find recordings of all of these sessions.

Thursday, April 16th – Intro to 4-H Judging

Being a 4-H Foods Judge is a fun and rewarding experience, and it’s a perfect opportunity for anyone that has a passion for food and a desire to foster this passion in others, especially youth. This introductory session will cover how the 4-H Fair system works, what to expect as a judge, review suggested tools for successful judging, and how to award ribbons.

Thursday, April 23rd – How to Judge Food: The Basics

As a foods judge, it’s important to know basic food science principles, nutrition knowledge, sensory qualities of optimum baking, and which factors achieve success and failure in cooking. This session will review these topics and demonstrate strategies for effective conferencing with youth.

Thursday, April 30th – How to Judge Food: Food Preservation

Food preservation is all about food science and food safety, and judging this event is often an opportunity to teach about safe food preservation methods. This session will review and explain the science behind those methods, show what is expected of food preservation entries, and offer best practices on how to judge this category.

Click here for the Resource Page for Food Judges - This is also where the recorded videos will be housed after the training.