Volunteer Salute to Excellence Award
4-H is a community of young people across Kansas who are learning leadership, citizenship and life skills. Volunteers are the heartbeat of the 4-H program serving as mentors, teachers and friends. The National Salute to Excellence Volunteer Recognition Award recognizes 4-H volunteers who demonstrate exceptional service to 4-H. The Kansas Association 4-H Volunteers has adopted the Salute to Excellence award to recognize and promote Kansas 4-H volunteers who have excelled in their roles locally and continue with selecting Kansas’ top volunteers for National competition. The Kansas Association of Volunteers believes establishing the Salute to Excellence Award will provide two options for the Kansas 4-H Program: 1) recognition of 4-H Volunteers for their outstanding contributions to 4-H youth and 2) enhance the mission and awareness of the Kansas Association of 4-H Volunteers.
Each extension unit may select their representative and submit their nominees electronically to the Department of 4-H Youth Development. These individuals then will have an opportunity to be selected as the Kansas Outstanding Lifetime Volunteer and Volunteer of the Year . The two Kansas honorees then become Kansas’ nominees for the North Central and National 4-H awards.
- 2025 Volunteer Salute to Excellence Application - Due March 1, 2025
- Salute to Excellence Scoresheet