January 15, 2016
Kansas 4-H FCS Judging Local Unit Resources NOW Available
Thank you for your patience as your team (Becky Reid, Cowley County FCS; Erin Petersilie, Walnut Creek FCS; Patsy Maddy, Twin Creeks 4-H Youth Development and Anita DeWeese, Pratt County Volunteer) developed resources for you to utilize with your youth participants, in preparation for a state 4-H FCS judging experience.
The resources are ready for you to download and use as you wish in your local unit. All information, can be accessed at this Kansas 4-H website link: http://www.kansas4-h.org/events-activities/contests/fcs-judging/fcs-judging-preparation.html. Photo examples and scoring explanation for the Photo Scavenger Hunt will be available soon. However, all other contest resources are ready to go.
A YouTube video file has been developed for participants to view prior to participating in the Immersion Activities. In addition to the video link located on the website, the link is also here: https://youtu.be/x2DgOk5fDTY.
For local units unable to offer internet access, Becky Reid also developed a QuickTime video link. The link to this video version is here: https://ksuemailprod-my.sharepoint.com/personal/bkreid_ksu_edu/Documents/FCS%20Immersion%20-%20Kelly%20Clover%20Story.m4v.
Thank you again for your support of the Kansas 4-H FCS Judging initiative.