May 17, 2016
Start Planning for Summer 2017 4-H Japan Inbound Exchange
Help make the world seem a little smaller by inviting 5 to 6 Japanese students to stay with 4-H families in your Extension Unit for one month during the summer of 2017. Your 4-H'ers will make friendships that will last a lifetime. Now is the time to consider becoming a part of this fantastic world citizenship opportunity. Youth and their adult chaperones arrive in Kansas approximately July 21 and stay for four weeks.
You don't have to decide today, final commitments aren't due until September 2016. But if you're curious as to what is involved, would like to shadow the arrival orientation at Rock Springs 4-H Center, or visit a mid-term activity near you, the summer of 2016 is the perfect chance to find out if this is a way to strengthen your 4-H citizenship programming.
Kansas 4-H has hosted Japanese LABO and LEX Foundation students and staff since 1977. Two chaperones and 23 young people in their teens will be staying in Kansas this summer. If you have questions about possibly becoming involved next year, contact Rose Scott, the 4-H Japan Inbound Exchange Coordinator at (785) 388-2009, or myself at (785) 462-6281 or e-mail