March 16, 2017
2017 Kansas State Fair 4-H SpaceTech Changes
-GPS/GIS have been suspended for this 4-H program year due to low participation numbers. A final decision about the future of the project will be decided by October 1, 2017. Comments may be submitted to Deryl Waldren. Extension units may still include GPS/GIS classes in local fairs, but there will be no classes at the Kansas State Fair this year, and all references to GPS/GIS have been removed.
-Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) have been added to Kansas 4-H SpaceTech for 2017. The roll out will be over a two-year period. For 2016-17, only posters, display boards and notebooks will be allowed.
-There has been a major reorganization of information in the Kansas 4-H SpaceTech department. It will make the organization of SpaceTech much more readable. Previously for each project section in astronomy, computers, rockets, robotics and now unmanned aerial systems, the class numbers and information for posters, displays and notebooks were repeated in each section. To streamline the text, all of the information about posters, displays and notebooks has been pulled and inserted into a new section near of bottom of the SpaceTech with the rules and guidelines along with the specific class numbers for each section added in posters, displays and notebooks.
-For more information, please contact Deryl Waldren, 785-462-6281, or e-mail