May 15, 2017
Kansas 4-H Dog Shows Closed Tunnel Update
Questions have been raised about the status of using the agility closed tunnel for 4-H dog shows during the 2016-17 year. While it is true that AKC has discontinued using the closed tunnel for their shows, this is not true for Kansas 4-H Dog Shows. The closed tunnel is an allowable piece of agility equipment for 2017 4-H dog shows.
The Kansas 4-H Dog Action Team and Kansas 4-H Youth Development work closely together to administer the 4-H dog project. During a recent dog action team meeting, there was lengthy discussion concerning the use or discontinuance of the closed tunnel piece of equipment. The decision was tabled and will be discussed again at the October 2017 meeting. As decisions are made for the 2017-18 4-H year in the dog project, information will be shared in the Kansas 4-H Tip Sheet. For further questions or concerns, please contact a dog action team member (listed on the web site) or Deryl Waldren,, or 785-462-6281.