April 13, 2018
4-H FCS Judging Details Video & YouTube Example
The 4-H Family and Consumer Sciences Judging Contest aspects for 2018 are reviewed in a helpful Zoom video. Learn about contest details for both Senior and Intermediate divisions, hear questions and responses and see how the local unit aspects connect to the team contest. Video link can be viewed here: https://ksu.zoom.us/recording/play/SLn9PxZmUWtv8WxgKhsE4Q30WzGk_4D7GLUtPdRab0Et2TVW1DwKBbNv0j2ioRhw.
If you, or your local unit teams, need an idea on creating their video entry submission, then check out this YouTube video link created by Becky Reid, Cowley County, for an idea: https://youtu.be/UoZ3p301qHs.
These items, as well as other resources, can also be found at: http://www.kansas4-h.org/events-activities/contests/fcs-judging/index.html.
We look forward to receiving your local unit team entries by May 15!