April 15, 2020
Market Beef Nominations Due May 1
The 2020 state livestock nomination season has arrived! All state livestock nomination deadlines are in effect and will move forward as originally scheduled. Market beef nominations are due by May 1, 2020. This includes market steers and market heifers. The deadline is a postmark deadline, but families are encouraged to submit their nominations as early as possible. Nomination information for all species may be found on the KSU Youth Livestock Program website (http://bit.ly/ksunominations).
In order to make sure nominations are complete upon initial submission, double check that all fields of the declaration form and nomination form(s) are complete, as well as the forms and DNA envelopes being signed by all parties. Given social distancing protocols, agents and families may exchange paperwork via email to obtain all of the appropriate signatures; they do not have to be originals this year for the forms to be accepted. However, all parties must still sign the paperwork. Please also cross-reference the tag numbers between the DNA envelopes and the specie nomination forms.
All checks should be made payable to KJLS. There is a checklist for each species attached as a second page to the 2020 forms; the checklist does not need to be submitted, as it is only a reference tool for families. This is also a reminder that a YQCA certificate for each child needs to be attached to the Declaration Form, as that requirement will continue for both shows into the foreseeable future. For more information, contact Lexie Hayes via email at adhayes@ksu.edu or (785)532-1264.