May 18, 2020
State Fair FCS Judging Contest
The Committee of Becky Reid, Shandi Andres, Ashley Svaty, Susie Latta and Diane Mack have been working on the plans for the State FCS Judging Contest that is scheduled to be held at the Kansas State Fair on Saturday, September 19.
The committee is also giving guidance for local FCS judging contests. Shandi is currently in the process of creating a video about how FCS Judging works as many Extension Agents are new and are not familiar with the process. If you are interested in providing a learning opportunity for 4-Hers in this area this might be a great opportunity to start.
If you have questions about the process or how it works please contact anyone on the committee.
The 2020 State Fair topics will be Brewing Coffee, Carry On Luggage, Fast Food, Fundraising, Ground Transportation and Wearable Technology. The format will include a Group Think Activity, Puzzle Room and Judging Classes. A study guide link can be found along with other contest information at:
The plan is to have a state contest virtually if a face to face contest can not be held.
There is a FCS Contest Planning Committee on Teams that can be accessed by Extension Agents; let us know if you are interested so we can add you to the team. If you have any judging classes in your office that you would like to upload to this Teams please use this opportunity to do that.
Last year's judging classes are available, under staff resources, at the above contest website.