July 15, 2020
2020 Kansas 4-H Wheat Expo in Wichita Cancelled
Due to changing conditions in Kansas with the COVID-19 pandemic during summer 2020, it is with regret that the 2020 Kansas 4-H Wheat Expo is cancelled. There will be no public event in Wichita on Thursday, August 6th. Recently Sedgwick County implemented a county-wide cap of 45 persons at any public event. While we are disappointed, Kansas 4-H Youth Development will continue to follow all county government resolutions regarding COVID-19, and to protect Kansas 4-H families.
However, one part of the Kansas 4-H Wheat Expo will continue. Those 4-H members who entered their wheat samples in Division I or Division II (adopt-a-producer) by July 20th will have their wheat tested at K-State. Results will be e-mailed later in the summer.
Alternative Kansas 4-H Wheat Program educational opportunities will soon be posted on the Kansas 4-H web site for 4-H members and families to learn more about Kansas wheat. To learn about these opportunities visit: http://www.kansas4-h.org/events-activities/conferences-events/wheat/index.html. For additional questions or to get involved with the wheat expo planning committee, contact Deryl Waldren at 303-349-7403 or e-mail him at: dwaldren@ksu.edu.