October 15, 2020
New local 4-H Vendor Licensing with Affinity Licensing
As of July 1, 2020, Kansas State University began working with a new licensing
agency called Affinity Licensing. To begin the process, small companies working with local 4-H groups will need to register and apply
for the license.
Guidance for that process is located here: https://www.kansas4-h.org/resources/marketing/index.html under the sidebar header: Vendor Licensing.
Using the KSRE/4-H wordmark strengths the impact of the 4-H program in Kansas. Since October 1, 2017, the co-wordmark is required on ALL 4-H marketing and publishing materials, including print, digital, apparel and merchandise. This requirement applies to all designs created at the local, county, district, area and state levels. For more details and clarification, please read the entire Co-Wordmark Policy HERE.
Any questions, please contact the State 4-H Office.