December 15, 2020
Citizenship in Action 2021
Citizenship in Action will be a virtual event in 2021. Plans are being made for programming on February 14 and 15.
The current plan is a community conversation, including deliberating and finding common ground on Sunday afternoon (tentatively 1p.m. to 5:30 p.m.) The Sunday afternoon session could potentially (depending on Covid-19 Restrictions) be a local “watch party” where you have your own conversation as a community of 4-H members.
On Monday the program will begin after lunch and be an opportunity to hear how others decided to make a difference and make a plan to do the same. Tentatively 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Registration should open in early January and will be due Monday, February 1. More information will be available soon.
As a part of this year’s Citizenship in Action we would like to highlight 8-10 leaders from across the state in a video presentation. Leaders that have a story about wanting to make a difference and why they got involved. Please note that these individuals can but do not have to be elected officials and can be community members who practice leadership as an activity and are agents of change. For example, this might be a person who volunteers at a local soup kitchen, a teacher, veteran, is very engaged in their place of worship, is a 4-H volunteer or project leader as well as a city council member, school board member, a mayor, someone in law enforcement, a county commissioner, someone that serves on a local nonprofit or city board, or another elected official, etc. We want a variety of leaders that young people will be able to relate to. If you have a great idea, please nominate that person here:
We would like to have your nominations by January 3, as it will take a bit of time to make the videos. Nominations in December would even be better!
Questions? Please reach out to Aliah, Beth or Dona.