April 15, 2021
2021 Kansas 4-H Geology Field Trips
The 4-H Geology Action Team has been working hard to plan opportunities for youth to learn and engage in the 4-H Geology project. The group is excited to announce three great options for youth to collect specimens and learn from experts in the field. For 2021 there will be three single day field trips offered in different part of the state:
• June 12th – Western Kansas Smoky Hills
• June 19th – Southeast Kansas
• June 26th – Central Kansas
The dates and general locations have been confirmed. Please keep these dates as place holders as more information for registration and logistics will be posted soon on the 4-H Geology Page.
Additionally, with the opportunity for state field trips, the 2020 State Fair lower specimen requirement will return to the full 15 new specimens for the 2021 KSF.