July 15, 2021
Use of Copyrighted/Trademarked Material in 4-H Visual Arts Fair Exhibits and Activities
Submitted by Aliah K. Mestrovich Seay
This article is a follow up from the May correspondence regarding changes to the Visual Arts Project Area Kansas State Fair 2021. As a reminder, the goal of these changes is to support the stimulation of individual creativity with different artistic mediums as well as the learning about the preservation of intellectual property both as important youth development skills. More specifically, a guiding document for Kansas 4-H Extension staff and judges regarding the Use of Copyrighted/Trademarked Material in 4-H Visual Arts Fair Exhibits and Activities is now available online in preparation for Kansas State Fair 2021. The goal of this document is to provide guidance to inform youth and adults about the preservation of intellectual property as an important youth development skill related to citizenship. For questions about the Visual Arts project, please contact Aliah Mestrovich Seay at aliah@ksu.edu.