July 15, 2022
Three IFYE's with Kansas Ties Travel Abroad
Submitted by Dr. Mary Kay Munson
Young adults beyond the age of 18 (4-H membership maximum) may enjoy exchanges in rural areas and on farms around the world through International Farm Youth Exchange (IFYE). This year Traci Ross, who tried a third year after two COVID-related cancellations, finally has her third time charm with a two-month exchange in Norway. Traci is a native of rush County where she was a 4-H member and live and taught in Sumner County for two years. She now lives in Johnson County. Sanders Barbee, a Lawrence resident and K-State student, was chosen for the first IFYE Sorghum Checkoff representative in Morocco on a two month exchange June 16-August 14. Sanders will be back at K-State upon her return. Johari Snell, a Kansas City, Mo native and K-State graduate this spring is on a six-month IFYE exchange that includes three months in Slovenia and three in Thailand. We expect Traci and Sanders will be available for presentations to share their experiences beginning in September. To make contact with them upon their return, email Mary kay Munson, state International Exchange Coordinator, at mkm2@ksu.edu.