August 15, 2022
4-H Publications Update
The Kansas 4-H Songbook: A Century in the Making. 4H1040. Amy Sollock. Includes the lyrics to a variety of songs that can be used during 4-H meetings.
So You Are Recreation Leader of Your Club. 4H929. Amy Sollock. As a 4-H officer, you represent not only your club, but also the 4-H program throughout the state. This publication includes guidelines and activity suggestions for recreation leaders, as well as planning tools and leadership tips.
So You Are Song Leader of Your Club. 4H595. Amy Sollock. As a 4-H officer, you represent not only your club, but also the 4-H program throughout the state. This publication includes a job description for the club song leader and tips for selecting songs and musical activities.
The 4-H Reporter. 4H470. Amy Sollock. As a 4-H officer, you represent not only your club, but also the 4-H program throughout the state. This publication explains the responsibilities of the 4-H reporter and includes some tips for doing the job.
Officer Training Made Easy: Facilitator's Guide. 4H930. Amy Sollock. 4-H officer training prepares youth to fulfill their responsibilities as 4-H officers. This guide includes schedules, activities, and tips that can be adapted to individual club officer training needs.
So You Are Historian of Your Club. 4H475. Amy Sollock. As 4-H club historian, you represent not only the local club, but also the 4-H program throughout the state. This book outlines the responsibilities of the club historian and includes tips, examples, and practice for those responsibilities.
A Guide to Practicing Parliamentary Procedure. 4H521. Amy Sollock. Using parliamentary procedure correctly helps meetings run more smoothly and quickly and helps members follow along. As an officer, you must understand the basic parliamentary procedure that is required to run a regular 4-H business meeting. Use this guide to teach your club members about parliamentary procedure so they can understand the formula for running a good business meeting.
Celebrating With 4-H Ceremonies. 4H824. Amy Sollock. Ceremonies are an important part of 4-H work. They can help develop a deep sense of reverence and respect. They can teach or give recognition. Often, they are used to prepare a group for events to follow. Use the ceremonies in this book or use them as a guide to write your own.