November 15, 2022
Five Teens Interviewed for 2023 Outbound Exchanges
November 20 five 4-H’ers participated in Interviews for 4-H Outbound Exchanges in 2023 in programs organized by States’ 4-H International Exchange Programs (States’ 4-H). Two of these interviewees were approved to go to Japan in 2022 but were unable to do so due to COVID tourist restrictions in Japan. Current plans are to conduct exchanges to Costa Rica, Japan and South Korea in 2023. Those who had been accepted in 2022 have priority for 2023. The Kansas 4-H’ers, who represent Cottonwood District (2), Golden Prairie District, and Johnson County (2), have expressed interest in all of the country choices. After interviews, they will have a chance to make their final decisions on which exchange is their preferred choice and will be notified of acceptance and placement around February 1. Extension agents in their home districts/counties will be informed as the process moves into the next phases. While attending the face-to-face interviews, the 4-H’ers began orientation to international travel, global consciousness, and living with a host family, with former 4-H exchange participants as their teachers. We will announce results of the interviews in next month’s Tip Sheet. There have been not applicants for the IFYE exchange program for those over 18 this year.