May 15, 2023
Local Livestock Event Reminders
As spring show fliers are passed through our KSRE email and posted to your local unit websites, it's important to remember that local spring shows sponsored by Extension or any Extension affiliated entity (local 4-H councils, etc.) are subject to Kansas 4-H Policy.
Please review your fliers and show procedures to ensure that they follow 4-H policy found in Section 13.2.3: Non-permissible Practices of the Kansas 4-H policy document (and listed below):
As these events which provide a valuable learning experience for youth are advertised, anything you can do as a KSRE professional to further the educational objectives and further the project learning, the better. For example, share on the event flier the educational purpose and/or mission of the event.
When events are sponsored by Extension, we must include the appropriate co-brand on the flier as well as the accommodations and non-discrimination statements. The most current version of these statements is located here:
13.1: Competitive Programs and Events Background
13.1.1: Criteria for 4-H Competitive Events
Sponsored/co-sponsored and/or conducted by Kansas 4-H.
Approved by and/or conducted by extension staff responsible for the event.
Rules and regulations established by or approved by extension staff responsible for the event.
Open to participation by 4-H youths from county, group of counties, district, state, region, or nation.
Participants must be enrolled in 4-H during the current 4-H year.
Approval to use the 4-H name and emblem.
Utilize the name and emblem of 4-H in promotion and recruitment.
Provide a safe and healthy environment with a positive educational experience for youth.
13.2: Livestock Competitive Events
13.2.1: Purpose of Livestock Competitive Events
Educational competitive events for 4-H members are a valuable part of demonstrating mastery within a project area.
13.2.2: Permissible Practices
Livestock competitive events provide an opportunity for evaluation and positive feedback for youth. Participation in competitive events help 4-H members learn to make and refine decisions as well as improve public speaking skills. In addition, competition offers opportunities for evaluation, learning sportsmanship, and cooperation. All livestock competitive events should be designed with the following:
Educational objective.
Educational activities.
Appropriate evaluation.
Examples of educational opportunities: grooming clinics, sessions with industry experts on nutrition.
13.2.3: Non-permissible Practices
Events organized around the successive pooling of fees, accumulation of points, or standings through the required participation in a series or circuit culminating in a large cash “jackpot” or in-kind prize are deemed unacceptable to the educational mission and inclusive parameters of 4-H Youth Development and K-State Research and Extension. These types of events must be sponsored by private organizations. Although 4-H participants are free to compete as private citizens, they must not be sponsored by K-State Research and Extension, nor should finances and entries be managed or handled by local offices of K-State Research and Extension, extension councils, 4-H councils, or 4-H clubs. Agents and other personnel of K-State Research and Extension may participate in such activities on their personal time.
Following are examples of practices that are not permitted:
The 4-H name and emblem shall not be used in conjunction with an event not sponsored by K-State Research and Extension.
Local offices of K-State Research and Extension may not be the entry point for non-extension events, receive funds for an external organization, or involve extension personnel on official time.
No membership dues may be collected via a competitive event for an extension board or its subdivisions (4-H Events Council, etc.) for 4-H participants from a county or district to participate in an extension education program. Kansas County Extension Council Law also forbids dues being assessed by 4-H units. Extension boards may collect fees for specific services that require special equipment or personnel for educational services.
Cash prizes awarded on the basis of chance are subject to Kansas gaming laws are forbidden.
13.3: Exhibit Guidelines
The exhibit is the result of knowledge and skills learned within the 4-H project experience in the local club, group, event, enrichment program, or individual participation.
The 4-H youth is owner of project. In the case of dairy and horse projects, in which leasing of animals for 4H projects is allowed, the 4-H youth is considered the owner of the animal during the current project year.
If you are unsure if your event is following policy, or have questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Kelsey Nordyke (, 620-222-1311).