September 18, 2023
Counties/Districts Needed for 2024 Kansas 4-H Japan Exchange
The summer inbound Kansas 4-H Japan Exchange program which Kansas 4-H began participating with LABO and LEX in 1977 is seeking counties to participate in 2024. Kansas 4-H will soon commit to hosting a specific number of youth and adult chaperones for the 2024 summer inbound program. In 2023, Kansas hosted 31 Japanese youth and chaperones.
Participating counties get to host a small group of young Japanese teens who are highly motivated to become a member of their Kansas host family and to learn English. Kansas 4-H families have reported many good experiences and say that the program has had a positive impact on their children.
The Japanese will arrive in counties July 24, 2024, and stay with one family each for three and one-half weeks through August 16, 2024. Consider getting involved with your county/unit. Participating counties/units are encouraged to find a locate a volunteer coordinator who then manages the recruitment and screening of five to six host families, and organizes local activities during the stay. Training, resource materials and some expense money are available for the coordinators and agents. Extension staff liaison with the Kansas 4-H Japanese Coordinator to conduct the program.
If you think your county might be interested, or to find out more details about your county/district hosting Japanese youth from 12-16 years-old in 2024, contact Pam Van Horn, Kansas 4-H Japan Exchange Coordinator by September 30th. Email: or call Pam at 785-826-8917. Please consider trying this popular program this upcoming year.