October 16, 2023
Shooting Sports Volunteer Hours Report
KS 4-H volunteers are amazing and appreciated. Kansas is implementing a new system for reporting Shooting Sports volunteer hours from the prior 2022-23 4-H year. Prior to the 4honline shut-down, volunteers were able to retroactively put in hours into the 4honline system which is how it was planned to report for 2022-23 year. The retroactive feature is now unavailable. Volunteers will still report for the 2022-23 year. If hours were put into the system before the shut-down in September, please leave those hours in 4honline. Any hours not reported before the Oct. 1 date, should be reported on the form below. We will add them to the ones already reported in 4-H online.
All Shooting Sports volunteers, including those not certified, should report their hours. Please put in ALL hours spent working on Shooting Sports, including club meetings, planning, fixing and cleaning firearms, fundraising, building trap boxes, training, coaching, travel, etc. Hours and number of youth instructed that are not already enrolled in 4-H such as camps, other organization hunts or shooting, etc. should also be reported. Reporting is required for certified volunteers to remain certified throughout the new 4-H year.
Reporting hours All 4-H Shooting Sports volunteers must report hours by NOVEMBER 1 for the 2022-23 year at: