December 14, 2015
Kansas 4-H Shooting Sports Renewals DUE
Liability Insurance for 4-H Shooting Sports is vitally important for local and state 4-H Shooting Sports programs; however, getting the annual renewal forms completed and sent to the Kansas 4-H State Office has been challenging. The annual renewal and number of hours volunteers contributed must be completed and submitted along with $10 per person before January 15, 2016. The forms can be found at
However, if the coordinator and instructor renewal are not received at the Kansas 4-H State Office by January 15, 2016 the local program will be suspended. The Suspension will include:
• No 4-H Shooting Sports meetings and/or practices can be scheduled or conducted
• 4-H members cannot participate in shooting sports matches or exhibit at the fair
• Local program is not recognized by State nor will the local program have liability insurance
Although, once the renewal forms and fees are received by State 4-H Office past the January 15 deadline, the local program may continue for the 2016 year; however, if renewal forms and fees are not received the second year the local program will be canceled.