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  2. »4-H Youth Development
  3. »Kansas 4-H Tip Sheet
  4. »Seventeen Families Host Families Summer 2016 for IFYE’s

Kansas 4-H Tip Sheet

July 15, 2016

Seventeen Families Host Families Summer 2016 for IFYE’s

Submitted by Mary Kay Munson

A big “thank you” goes to agents Janae McNally, Ginger Kopfer, John Jobe, Robin Eubank, Mark Ploger, Jodie Drake, Jennifer Murphy, Nancy Honig, Josh Morris, Randy Hein, Clarissa Sents, Kaitlyn Peine, Joan Krumme, Jill Martinson, Matt Young, and Glenn Newdigger for their assistance with vetting host families for IFYE’s this year. 

IFYE stands for International 4-H Youth Exchange and involves participants who are older than 18.  Elin Jones has returned home.  Ludwig Rief is planning to arrive July 22.  A link to the schedules for all of this year’s International 4-H Youth Exchangees is posted on the State 4-H Web Site on the Hosting Exchanges page:  http://www.kansas4-h.org/events-activities/global-citizenship/host-family-information/index.html.

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