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  3. »Kansas 4-H Tip Sheet
  4. »Applications Due November 1, 2017 for 2018 Outbound Programs/Error in Email

Kansas 4-H Tip Sheet

October 13, 2017

Applications Due November 1, 2017 for 2018 Outbound Programs/Error in Email

Submitted by Mary Kay Munson

4-H’ers 12 to 18 are eligible for exchange trips through States’ 4-H International Exchange Programs next summer.  Age qualifications vary with the program, but are based on the age participants are during the exchange.  Kansas applicants need to apply by November 1 and attend Interviews and First Orientation November 19 in Junction City.  The chart below lists participating countries, dates, participant ages and the host organizations.




Partner Organization

Costa Rica

June 21 - July 20, 2018


Conac 4-S

Japan - 8 weeks

June 13 - August 9, 2018


Labo & LEX

Japan - 4 weeks

July 11 - August 9, 2018


Labo & LEX


June 28 - July 27, 2018


4H Norge

South Korea

July 16 - August 14, 2018


Korea 4-H Association

*Age based on dates of exchange

Note:  The dates for the Norway Exchange are listed correctly here, and are a week later than on the email sent to 4-H’ers 12 and over.   This exchange is a week later than the Costa Rican Exchange for next year.

The flyers about each States’ 4-H International Exchange are posted on the Exchange Forms page:  http://www.kansas4-h.org/events-activities/global-citizenship/kansas-4-h-international-exchanges/index.html .  The States’ 4-H application is also in that section as is application information on applying to be a chaperon for these groups.  Chaperon applicants should apply by November 1 and plan to attend the interviews on Nov. 19.

Young adults interested in the 3 or 6 month IFYE exchange can find information about IFYE on the same page.  They participate in Kansas IFYE Interview on November 19 and, if approved, will be submitted to the National IFYE Association for placement, departure orientation and transportation.  The departure date will be about June 15.  They should be sure to use the IFYE Application form.

Anyone with questions may contact Mary Kay Munson, International Exchange Coordinator, at 785-238-3631 or munson@ksbroadband.net.