October 13, 2017
4-H Horse ID Certificate – New Instructions
While I was working as a check-in clerk at the Kansas State Fair, I found quite a few 4-H Horse ID Certificate that were not completed correctly. In fact, some of them could have been rejected. So that doesn’t happen in the future, here’s a few things to help.
There is a NEW form that needs to be used for the 2017-18 4-H Year. The publication number is P1039 rev. October 2017. http://www.kansas4-h.org/projects/animals/horse.html
The form MUST BE front and back of one page, not 2 pages.
A standard size picture MUST BE attached. The picture should include all 4 legs and feet showing a profile of the horse with the head turned toward the camera. ALL markings must be clearly visible.
Members, Parent/Guardian, Owners (if horse is leased) and County Agents MUST sign and date signature.
The ORIGINAL 4-H Horse Identification Certificate MUST accompany the 4-H’er. The county office and project leader may have a photocopy.
Some of the things I saw that were not correct are and will not be allowed in the future are:
- 4-H Horse Identification Certificates on 2 separate pages instead of front and back
- Photocopies, not originals, or pictures of papers on your phone
- Photos of horses not attached to Horse ID certificates
- Not having all required signatures
- Photos of horses that are more than 5 years old (especially on young OR gray horses)
If you plan to show at your 4-H District Horse Show or the Kansas State Fair 4-H Horse Show, PLEASE make sure you are using the correct form and it is completely filled out.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact your local Extension agent.