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  3. »Kansas 4-H Tip Sheet
  4. »2018 Kansas 4-H SpaceTech Changes

Kansas 4-H Tip Sheet

March 14, 2018

2018 Kansas 4-H SpaceTech Changes

Submitted by Deryl Waldren

- GPS/GIS Suspended

GPS/GIS have again been suspended for this 4-H program year due to low participation numbers. A final decision about the future of the project will be decided by October 1, 2018. Comments may be submitted to Deryl Waldren.

- No GPS/GIS at Kansas State Fair

Extension units may still include GPS/GIS classes in local fairs, but there will be no classes at the Kansas State Fair this year, and all references to GPS/GIS have been removed. For more information, please contact Deryl Waldren at 785-462-6281 or e-mail dwaldren@ksu.edu.