March 14, 2018
State Fair Opportunities for 4-H Shooting Sports Members
Kansas 4-H Shooting Sports is expanding exhibit opportunities for 4-H members at the Kansas State Fair. Check the Kansas 4-H State Fair 4-H Shooting Sports division to learn more about the specific details. Along with promotional posters and educational displays, the 2018 Fair will offer a 4-H Shooting Sports notebooks class that was recommended by the 4-H Shooting Sports Task Force. The notebooks for this class are to highlight a phase, result, story or information about 4-H Shooting Sports. Additionally, all entries, promotional posters, educational displays and notebooks are to incorporate the 4-H Clover and KSRE branding with the Kansas 4-H Shooting Sports emblem. The Kansas 4-H Shooting Sports logo can be found on the 4-H Shooting Sports web page.
Another opportunity available for sharing individual mastery of 4-H Shooting Sports - the 4-H Public Presentation Division offers 4-H Shooting Sports members a chance to share their knowledge from the stage. There are specific safety rules that must be followed and shooting sports-related entries must inform the State 4-H Office of entry to meet requirements. Participants must follow Kansas State Law regarding firearms listed in the General Rules section of this Fair Book and use 4-H Shooting Sports minimum standards and best management practices will be followed.
For more information refer the Kansas 4-H State Fair rules.