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  4. »Family Dynamics: We are K-State! Learning Together.

Kansas 4-H Tip Sheet

August 15, 2018

Family Dynamics: We are K-State! Learning Together.

Submitted by Wade M. Weber

Kansas 4-H Youth Development is a program of Kansas State University.  4-H Youth Development is a program in local communities across Kansas.  Together... we are family.

I shared this week with new Extension professionals that every day we live with a split personality.  To local communities, we wear purple and represent Kansas State University striving to bring something of value every day to enhance everyday life.  To the university, we bring the local community voice, we provide connections, and everyday relevance.  Extension provides an essential connection of those two worlds. As illustrated in our partnership, we provide something very unique to our state.

I often summarize all extension programming as essentially being invitational communities of learners with distinct partnerships!

 4-H learning reflects this same approach. After all, we are extension and we are K-State.

How might we strengthen the partnership between K-State and local 4-H experiences?


One of the clear voices coming out of the program prioritization survey from Kansas 4-H stakeholders is there is a desire for stronger engagement and learning with our K-State campus partnerships.  It makes sense to me that 4-H project learning should be tied to a pathway of learning.  A discernible progression of content mastery and relational connectedness that can easily mature into a university student experience or at least continue into K-State Research and Extension learning experiences after high school.

When I am sharing about 4-H Youth Development with campus partners, they are amazed at the KSRE reach and 4-H impact.  Over 700 community and Project clubs, over 6000 adult volunteers, over 16,000 long-term members and over 74,000 persons who have participated in 4-H learning over the course of the year. Many are working with me presently to try and strengthen our ties to enhance learning environments with something distinctly K-State.

Learning pathways also clarify what 4-H youth development is trying to accomplish in the lives of young people. We are not just activity for activity sake.  Rather there is purpose in all we do. 4-H does leverage a learning context to promote a growth mindset and expand possibilities!

In closing, I do want to say a BIG thank you to the Youth Development PFT for their process of refining the 4-H Pathways for this coming programming year.  I will highlight some of their work below.

Kansas 4-H Youth will be...

Positive Youth Development Actions:

• Demonstrating responsibility, critical thinking and problem solving skills through informed decision making
• Demonstrating flexibility and adaptability through decision making
• Setting goals and determining steps to reach them
• Demonstrating interpersonal communication skills
• Demonstrating effective teamwork
• Develop productive relationships with others

Focus Areas
Focus areas are designed to complement the general 4-H Positive Youth Development outcomes.

  • Communication

Preparing youth to effectively communicate and share their thoughts and ideas in any setting.

  • STEM and Agriculture

Developing science interests, skills and abilities in the areas of agriculture, energy, environmental stewardship and technology. Helping youth think and problem solve within a scientific framework and encouraging an excitement for science.

  • Career Development/College (after high school education) Readiness

Preparing youth to make informed decisions about their college (after high school education) and career path. Developing skills in young people that will lead to greater persistence in college (after high school education) and employability.

  • Community Vitality (Citizenship and Leadership)

Fostering youth’s commitment to their communities and growing future leaders.

  • Health and Wellness

Educating youth about how to make healthy and safe decisions in their daily lives.

Together we are growing dynamic 4-H pathways of learning - for the sake of our communities - today and tomorrow!

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