September 16, 2019
YQCA Renewal for 2019-2020
Submitted by Pamela I Van Horn
The 2018-2019 YQCA year has come to an end. YQCA has shut down the site as of September 15, 2019. Kansas 4-H has again signed an agreement to participate in the YQCA program for the next 2019-2020 to allow extension agents, ag teachers, and veterinarians to teach the face-to-face class. Instructors who were certified last year and utilized the curriculum to certify youth will be receiving instructions directly from YQCA on how to renew their instructor certification. This information is expected to be distributed in late September in preparation for the system re-opening on October 1.
If you were not previously certified to teach instructor-led classes and would like to start utilizing the curriculum, please let Lexie Hayes and she will add you to the list! Kansas needs to submit a list of instructors with our agreement by September 20.