October 15, 2019
You have a 4-H youth or volunteer with a disability. Now what?
Submitted by Aliah K Mestrovich Seay
The Department of 4-H Youth Development has partnered with K-State Human Capital Services in a collaborative process that allows us to strategically provide disability accommodations to youth and volunteers within our KSRE system.
The Americans with Disabilities Act requires that persons with disabilities be provided “reasonable” accommodations. Accommodations are generally considered reasonable if they do not change the fundamental nature of the program or alter the essential criteria for participation. Accommodations that meet these standards are typically provided, but are not guaranteed until the review process is complete. Reasonable accommodations are determined through an interactive process between the agent, family, the State 4-H Office, and the K-State ADA Coordinator.
When a youth or volunteer has identified that they have a disability and are requesting reasonable accommodations, an Extension agent can start this interactive process by contacting the State 4-H Office directly. Once the formal disability accommodations has been requested, 4-H Youth Development Specialist Aliah Mestrovich Seay will set up a time to meet with the youth and family or volunteer either in person or online to better understand the functional limitations and barriers to programming. The program participant or supportive adult will ask their medical provider to fill out an Accommodations Request Form and a Consent for Release of Information. After the above-mentioned parties consult and review documentation, the youth and family or volunteer will be contacted to finalize the details related to the accommodations request.
For more information about disability accommodations, please contact Aliah Mestrovich Seay at the Department of 4-H Youth Development at aliah@ksu.edu and sign up for the interactive webinar “Inclusive Leadership: Disability and Accommodations Advising,” on February 19, 2020 through PEARS.
K-State Research and Extension is committed to providing accommodations to qualified individuals with disabilities. We look forward to serving the accessibility needs of your youth and volunteers within your local Extension unit.