November 15, 2019
Livestock County Fair Management Clinics
The biennial Livestock County Fair Management Clinics have been scheduled for 2020. The eastern Kansas session will be Tuesday, April 7, 2020, at the Sedgwick County Extension Office in Wichita. The western Kansas clinic will be Wednesday, April 8, 2020, at the Logan County Fairgrounds in Oakley. This is an opportunity for county agents and fair board members to learn and discuss issues regarding livestock activities at county fairs.
Tentative topics that will be discussed are county fair board structure and management, fair insurance, showmanship and round robin structure, 4-H livestock policies and extension's role at county fairs, judge selection and compensation, the timing of livestock shows during the county fair, and premium sale structure. Pre-registration will be required for all participants by March 27, 2020. Mark your calendar and encourage your fair board members to plan to attend! For more information, contact Joel DeRouchey ( or 785-532-2280), Lexie Hayes ( or 785-532-1264), or Pam Van Horn ( or 785-532-5800).