November 15, 2019
4-H STEM Grant Opportunity Webinar
Kansas 4-H is committed to expanding the pathway for 4-H STEM programming across Kansas. Shane Potter and Anissa Jepsen are seeking input from counties and/or districts that would be interested in pursuing an AmeriCorp grant opportunity beginning the 2020 school year. This grant would help to fund an AmeriCorp member who would be housed at the local level and lead 4-H STEM after-school or summer programming while assisting in the training and development of 4-H STEM volunteers.
If you would like to find out more about this grant and requirements for participation and further timelines, please join us on November 25th at 2:30 for an Informational webinar.
The link for the webinar: If you cannot attend this informational meeting, please email either Shane or Anissa