March 13, 2020
2020-21 Academic Year Programs Making Placements
Kansas 4-H has completed two placements of Academic Year Program (AYP) students for the 2020-21 school year. A boy from Ukraine has been placed with the Paul and Becky Meiwes family in Southwind Extension District and a Japanese girl has been selected by the Matt and Stephanie Magill family in Shawnee County to be hosted for the next school year. They are part of FLEX and LEX programs, respectively. AYP exchanges are sponsored by States’ 4-H International Exchange Programs (States’ 4-H) of which Kansas 4-H is a member. All but 8 of the students’ 4-H will host nationally in 2020-21 are now available to families across the country who want to host. Students represent LEX and Labo in Japan, Better Futures Education (BFE) and Korean 4-H in Korea, FLEX (Future Leaders Exchange) in countries of Europe and Eurasia that have been under Communism and YES (Youth Exchange and Study) in Southern Europe, Africa and Asia. FLEX and YES are sponsored by the U. S. Department of State.
Over 30 students are now available to families interested in hosting next year, anyone interested should contact Mary Kay Munson, Kansas AYP Coordinator, to express interest and learn of students available while there are more students available. School year exchanges often work well for families with parents who work away from the home. Families are expected to provide three meals a day, lodging and transportation. Students’ families or the government (for FLEX and YES students) pay for school and personal expenses and health insurance is provided. Students are screened for academic abilities and English language ability. Mary Kay can be reached at 785-375-3189 or