November 16, 2021
Local Unit Assignments for 4-H Youth Development Specialists effective Nov. 1
In order to align local unit program development and support with Extension administration changes made in July of 2020, 4-H Youth Development Specialists will serve within the West, Central, and East administrative regions. The long-term vision is to have two specialists serve per Extension Administrative Regions (Eastern, Central & Western). Until such time as the Western and Eastern Research and Extension Centers are able to hire three additional specialists to cover the state, a State 4-H Specialist will help with regional local unit support coverage.
We are hopeful that both a state and western 4-H specialist is hired in 2022. Those positions would then be assigned to be assigned local unit support to the northern parts of the Central and West Regions respectively.
Starting November 1, Kelsey Nordyke has been assigned local unit support for 19 Eastern Region Counties in the south (From Chautauqua to Lyon to Miami to Cherokee Counties). In conversations with Bob Weaber, Eastern Research and Extension Centers Head, Aliah Mestrovich Seay will be assigned local unit support for counties on and north of I-70 (including Johnson County) starting December 1. From now until December 1, Eastern Region Counties in the north are to contact Beth Hinshaw. Specialists will work with Eastern Region Local Extension Units Director Carla Nemecek to support Local Extension Units in the development of 4-H programs.
Beth Hinshaw has been assigned local unit support for the Central Region. Beth will work with Aliesa Woods, Central Region Local Unit Director to support the development of local 4-H programs.
Amy Sollock has been assigned local unit support for the Western Region. Amy will work with Mary Sullivan, Western Region Local Unit Director to support the development of local 4-H programs.
Please refer to the map labeled KS4H Local Unit Specialists Assignments Map (2021 Nov.) located at the bottom of the Kansas 4-H Staff Web page: