June 15, 2023
Kansas 4-H American Income Life Policy
Kansas 4-H, through the 4-H program fee, has purchased annual coverage for our enrolled 4-H cloverbuds, enrolled 4-H members, and local Extension unit screened and approved volunteers registered through 4-H Online. These individuals are covered during scheduled, adult-supervised group activities by American Income Life Policy A KS50521. The statewide coverage began during the 2019-2020 4-H year.
If an event is being planned that will be open to youth and adults not registered through Kansas 4-H (not in 4-H Online), special activity insurance is available through American Income Life-Special Risk Division. Coverage should be purchased for all expected participants (4-H and non-4-H).
Information about this policy can be found on the Kansas 4-H website by going to https://www.kansas4-h.org/staff-protected/program-management-and-evaluation/index.html. Look for the links under the heading Accidental Insurance Statewide Policy.
Extension agents who drive their personal vehicles for work should notify their insurance agent to be certain they have sufficient liability coverage.
If your local Extension unit previously purchased the annual policy for your 4-H program through American Income Life, it is no longer needed since the enrolled 4-H cloverbuds, enrolled 4-H members, and local Extension unit screened and approved volunteers registered in 4-H Online are covered under the state policy.
Questions about this coverage should be directed to the State 4-H Office.