December 15, 2023
Share Your World!
Kansas 4-H has set a goal of hosting 36 youth during the summer of 2024. Agents, what a great opportunity for families to share their family “culture” with a Japanese youth ages 12 – 17.
The Japanese Exchange program is like no other as it’s a short-term experience lasting about three and half weeks. Families are to be themselves doing normal summer activities such as attending youth sports events, county fairs, and even camping. There is no requirement that host families include guests on family vacations or plan extensive sightseeing adventures. The Japanese delegates are coming to Kansas be part of Kansas families and experience the routines of 4-H and non-4-H families.
To learn more about the Japanese Exchange Program checkout the 4-H Webpage to learn more about hosting Japanese Exchange ( Furthermore, if the local county council or clubs would like to learn more about the Japanese Program the Japanese Exchange Team members would be available to come and present a program and answer questions that potential families might have about hosting. Team members and their contact information:
Pam Van Horn,, Manhattan
Allison Lecklider,, Salina
Suzanne Hokett,, Salina
Donna Maskus,, Hays
Richard Fechter,, Howard
Julia Fechter,, Howard
Diane Eflin,, Lenexa
Barbara Schultz,, Cunningham
Japanese delegates are in Kansas mid-July to mid-August. Delegate information is to arrive in February. For more information, please contact Pam Van Horn,