- K-State home
- 4-H Youth Development
- Educational Experiences
- Fairs
- Kansas State Fair
2025 Kansas State Fair |
2024 Kansas State Fair Schedule |
4-H Exhibit Area Downloads
- Collection Form for 4-H Communications
- Total Schedule-updated 8/29/24
- Saturday, September 7 Schedule - updated 8/29/24
- Sunday, September 8 Schedule - updated 8/29/24
- Saturday, September 14 Schedule - updated 8/29/24
- Sunday, September 15 Schedule - updated 8/29/24
- Project Talk Info Sheet
- Project Talk Score Sheet
- Demonstration Info Sheet
- Illustrated Talk Info Sheet
- Demonstration and Illustrated Talk Score Sheet
- Score Sheet for Poetry and Prose
Dog Show
- 2024 State Dog Show Information
- 2024 Dog Show Book
- Dog Agility
- Dog Obedience
- Dog Rally
- Dog Showmanship
- Dog Show Score Sheets
- Dog Entry Collection Sheet
- Dog Breeds List
- Kansas 4-H Dog Show Immunization Record, MG34 rev., 10/17 (May be on any weight of paper, and on any color of paper).
Engineering and Technology
For *notebooks, *display boards, and *posters, no additional exhibit information is required; no manila envelope is needed for these exhibits. All other exhibits need the additional information included in a manila envelope. Displays, notebooks and posters have been combined into one score sheet for all divisions.
You may also visit the Kansas 4-H STEM site, www.engtech4ks.com, for more specific information in astronomy, rocketry, robotics, unmanned aerial systems and computers.
To get the information form-fillable files to work, first it will be necessary to download the file from your browser. However, we suggest you first type in your information and then print off a copy before re-saving it and closing the file. In some instances, you may not be able to save the contents of each file due to your computer's configuration. Always print the form-fillable file before closing it, so you don't lose the information. If the form-fillable function is not working correctly, please try Firefox or Chrome as your browser to download the file. That usually solves the form-fillable issue. Thanks.
- Ag Mechanics Exhibit Form (PDF) (Form Fillable, Fill out and print)
- Ag Mechanics Score Sheet (PDF)
- BBE Exhibit Form (PDF) (Form Fallible, Fill out and print)
- BBE Judging Score Sheet (PDF)
- Astronomy Exhibit Form (PDF)
- Astronomy Exhibit Score Sheet (PDF)
- Computer Science Exhibit Form (PDF) (Form Fillable, Fill out and print)
- Computer Systems Judging Score Sheet (PDF)
- Robotics Exhibit Form (PDF)
- Robotics Exhibit Judging Form (PDF)
- Rocketry Exhibit Form (PDF) (Can be filled out and printed)
- High & Mid-Power Rocketry Exhibit Form (PDF)
- Rocketry Judging Form (PDF)
- Fin Alignment Guide (5 Fins) (PDF)
- Fin Alignment Guide (4 Fins) (PDF)
- Fin Alignment Guide (3 Fins) (PDF)
- UAS Exhibit Form (PDF) fill out and glue to 10X13″ envelope
- UAS Judging Sheet (PDF)
- Engineering & Technology Educational Display, Notebook, and Poster Score Sheet (PDF) ****
- Engineering & Technology State Fair Video Showcase Release (PDF)
Fashion Revue
- Score Card & Cost Per Wear Form
4-H members should complete the Score Card and Cost Per Wear Form. This is the ONLY form that will be allowed. Older versions or local unit forms are not acceptable. This form will be uploaded into FairEntry as part of the fair entry process. - Public Review Script
4-H members should provide a written script to their Extension Agent so that the office may submit it as part of the fair entry process. Scripts should be 4-6 sentences in length. Write it exactly as you want it read during the public revue. Include 4-H'ers first name (no last name) and local unit somewhere in the first sentence. Some descriptors may include: fabric, colors, accesories, where you will wear the outfit, what you like best, etc. Feel free to include hobbies and other info about yourself. - $5.00 participation fee per participating 4-H member
Please see the Kansas State Fair Fee Schedule for payment instructions.
The judging schedule, as well as participant instructions will be posted here no later than September 1.
FCS Judging
Visit the FCS contest page for complete rules.
- 2024 Contest Schedule (both Intermediate & Senior)
- 2024 Contest Preparation Resources
Fiber Arts
- In Clothing, Fiber Arts or other exhibits needing a cloth label, for the 2014 State Fair and beyond, exhibitors can make their own label on a piece of cloth with a permanent or laundry type marker. Labels should be about 3"x2.5" in size and include exhibitor name, class number and county or district.
- The exhibitor should attach an index card, no larger than 4” x 6”, with the entry form to give the judge any information on
what parts of the exhibit they made, processes used, or other information which the exhibitor thinks would be helpful for
the judge. For all items please indicate if item was made from a kit. For all items please indicate fiber content, and specifically if they are made of at least 90% wool. For quilted items indicate who did the quilting and binding. - Crochet Judging Sheet
- Ethnic Arts Judging Sheet
- Knitting Judging Sheet
- Macrame Judging Sheet
- Needle Arts Judging Sheet
- Quilt Judging Sheet
- Rug Making Judging Sheet
- Spinning Judging Sheet
- Weaving Judging Sheet
- All Fiber Arts Judging Sheets
- Fiber Arts Educational Notebook Scorecard
Foods and Nutrition
- Foods Exhibit Evaluation Form
- Food Gift Basket Evaluation Form
- Foods Educational Exhibit Evaluation Form
- Foods Label
- It's More than Keeping Your Fingers Out of the Cookie Dough!
- When are Baked Goods Done?
- Food Safety of Frosting and Fillings, MF3544
- Judge's Guide for Foods and Nutrition Exhibits, 4H488
Foods Preservation
- Food Preservation Labels Small 1 x 2.58-Updated 2018
- Food Preservation Labels Small 1 x 2.58-Updated 2018 pdf
- Food Preservation Labels Large 2 x 4-Updated 2018
- Food Preservation Labels Large 2 x 4-Updated 2018 pdf
- Just Because It Seals Doesn't Mean it's Safe!
- Food Preservation Judging Criteria
- Judging Dried Fruits & Leather
- Judging Fruits
- Judging Herbs
- Judging Pickles
- Judging Preserves
- Judging Dried Meat Jerky
- Judging Meat and Poultry
- Judging Tomatoes and Tomato Products
- Judging Dried Vegetables
- Judging Vegetables
Horse Show
No health papers or CVI is needed for in-state horses, only a negative Coggins. There is not a vet check-in off fairgrounds as in previous years.
The KSF has designated that 4-H Horses are allowed to arrive on Wednesday, Sept. 11 from 12:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. for stalling, vet check and show check-in. After 9:00 p.m. horses are not allowed to arrive or stall. Thursday, September 12, horses can be vet checked and stalled from 7:00 a.m.- 9:00 a.m. and from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Friday, September 13, horses can be vet checked and stalled 7:00 a.m.- 9:00 a.m. and from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Horses are not allowed to arrive or stall outside of these times any days. Saturday, September 14, vets will be available for checks from 7:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m.
Horse ID’s or registration papers and class entries/scratches will be checked once families have unloaded after vet and Coggins check. One person per horse is encouraged for check-in.
Exhibitors must arrive on grounds by Gate #10. With a parking pass, trailers and tow vehicle may remain on grounds. Stalling assignments, parking passes and wristbands should be picked up at the stalling office. Unordered wristbands/parking passes may be purchased from the stalling office for $10 each for cash or check. If using a credit card, you must purchase from the credential office in the Sheep and Swine barn West of the Expo Center.
- KSF Equine Page
- Registration Instructions for State Horse Show
- Updated Qualifications Requirements
- Are You Ready for the State 4-H Horse Show?
- Horse Safety Webinar
- Horse Safety Exam
- State Fair Horse Show T-Shirt Design
- State Fair Stall Requests
- Kansas State Fair ShoWorks (Class entries, stalling, jump-outs, t-shirts)
- 2024 Exhibitor Letter
- 4-H Horse Show High-Point
Interior Design and Architecture
- Interior Design and Architecture Interior Space Presentation Board Scoresheet
- Interior Design and Architecture Diorama Model Scoresheet
- Interior Design and Architecture Collage Presentation Board Scoresheet
- Interior Design and Architecture Marble Maze Presentation Board Scoresheet
- Interior Design and Architecture Marble Maze or Enclosure Scoresheet
- Project Release Form
- Photo ID Form and Mounting Instructions
- Information for Photography Exhibitors
- Photo Mounting Instructions
- Guidelines for Judging 4-H Exhibit Photos
- Special Recognition Selections
- Video Information Sheet
- 4-H Photography Entry and Exhibit Judging Video
- Photo Mounting Demonstration (Power Point) (PDF)
- Assemble Your Portfolio Demonstration Video
- 4-H Photography Portfolio Information Video
- Photography Portfolio Scoresheet
- Digital Composite Scoresheet
- Career Portfolio Summary Sheet
- Growth Portfolio Summary Sheet
Sewing and Textile Design
- Each 4-H member is encouraged to attach an index card or photo, no larger than 4” x 6” with the entry form to give the judge any
information which the exhibitor thinks would be helpful for the judge to know. - In Clothing, Fiber Arts or other exhibits needing a cloth label, for the 2014 State Fair and beyond, exhibitors can make their own label on a piece of cloth with a permanent or laundry type marker. Labels should be about 3"x2.5" in size and include exhibitor name, class number and county or district.
- Clothing and Textile Scorecard
- Sewing and Textile Scorecard
- Recycled Clothing Scorecard