May 18, 2015
Kansas 4-H Dog Shows Health Advisory
You may have read about the current outbreaks of canine influenza that are an H3N3 strain. The previous strain was H3N8. This has not previously been a problem in the Midwest, so most dogs have not been vaccinated. At this point there is no evidence of any protection against the current outbreak strain by vaccinating with the available vaccine. Current best management practices would encourage avoiding dog parks and doggy daycare especially, because co-mingling of dogs allows for the rapid spread of disease. Dogs under one-year-old and older dogs (especially those with concurrent health issues) seem to be most at risk.
Families at this point should not be afraid to attend shows, but it is recommended to exercise caution by avoiding unnecessary contact with other dogs. Keep dogs crated when they are not being shown. Also remember that human hand hygiene is an important factor as the virus could also be transmitted between dogs by humans. (These comments and best management practices are from a practicing DVM in the State of Kansas).