October 15, 2015
4-H Updates
Registation is now open for the November 4-H Updates.
Tuesday, November 10 - Garden City - KSU Southwest-Research-Extension Center, 4500 E Mary, Garden City
Thursday, November 12 - Ottawa - Celebration Hall, Fairgrounds, 220 W 17th Ottawa, Kansas 66067
Friday, November 13 - Salina - Trinity Lutheran Church, 702 S 9th St., Salina, KS (Corner of 9th and Crawford)
►Understanding today’s youth and families
►Share how you are making a difference for young people with Kansas 4-H
►Build unity and allow for networking across the state
►Gain new ideas
►Keep lines of communication open
See the agenda here: http://tinyurl.com/4HUpdateAgenda
Register here: http://tinyurl.com/20154HUpdate
Registration is due on or before October 30. After registering online, you will mail payment to the State 4-H Office. $25 per person and lunch is included. Checks should be made to the Kansas 4-H Foundation.
We are looking forward to see you there.