October 15, 2015
4-H Shooting Sports Youth Participation
The Kansas 4-H Shooting Sports program adheres to the National Shooting Sports Policies. The national policy regarding youth participation is stated as follows:
"4-H Shooting Sports Programs are open to all youth 8 years of age or older (as of Jan. 1 of the current year) without regard to race, color, sex, handicap, religion, age or national origin. Each state Land Grant University determines 4-H maximum age eligibility. Note that age eligibility for National 4-H Shooting Sports Events are determined by the National 4-H Shooting Sports Committee and may be different than that of states. 4-H Clovers (age 5-7) are not eligible for any aspect of 4-H shooting sports programs as these are not age appropriate activities."
As stated, a 4-H member must be 8 years old before January 1 to participate in the Kansas 4-H Shooting Sports as directed by National Shooting Sports Policies. Kansas 4-H Cloverbud (5-7 years old) members are not eligible and should not participate in the 4-H Shooting Sports program. The 4-H Shooting Sports program In Kansas is one of our most popular and educational project areas. Your cooperation is vital to the success and safety of this program. Please contact Pam Van Horn pvanhorn@ksu.edu or Barbara Stone bjstone@ksu.edu, if you have further questions.