February 15, 2017
48 Hous of 4-H Service Challenge
484H Promotion Kits
Mark your calendars now for October 7-8, 2017. There will be more information coming in the next few months. We will are offering a promotion kit and other items too for Extension Units or clubs to purchase and use to promote 484H.
The Promotion Kit would be perfect for fairs, day camps and other summer activities to get the word out about the 48 Hours of 4-H Service Challenge, provide some door prizes and have some nice displays. In addition to the kit, we will have vinyl banners and individual items as well. Because of the cost of shipping, we plan to have these items available for you to pick up during 4-H Discovery Days.
Just to clarify, this is a promotion kit, we will still have an opportunities for clubs and groups to order shirts later in the summer, so they will have them for their service events. A catalog of items, flier and order form will be availble in March at www.Kansas4H.org/484H If you have questions please contact Beth Hinshaw. Orders will be due by April 25. We will have the handbook/guide updated soon, and downloadable art for your web pages, Facebook Pages, newsletters, etc.