May 15, 2018
State Fair Labels for 4-H Food Preservation Exhibits Updated
The labels for food preservation exhibits have been updated. Here are the changes:
Altitude where processed - Enter the altitude where the food was processed. In some cases, 4-H'ers do their canning project at another location, other than their own. For example, going to a relative’s home on the other side of the state. So the label needs to reflect what the altitude is for where the jars of food were processed, whether in their own home, or somewhere else.
Canning Method: Water Bath or Pressure - circle which method was used. If pressure canning, indicate on the next line which type of canner was used, Dial Gauge or Weighted Gauge, and write in the pounds of pressure used.
They can be found at, 4-H Exhibit Area Downloads, foods preservation.
If you have questions about content of the labels, contact Karen Blakeslee, Extension Associate, Rapid Response Center Coordinator, at If you have questions about the label format, contact Diane Mack,