December 14, 2018
Changes, Changes, Changes! State 4-H Office Staff Updates!
4-H Youth Development Staffing Responsibilities Update
As I shared at 4-H Program Rally, here is the updated 4-H Staffing announcement. Over the next month, the web pages will change to reflect new assignments going forward into the next calendar year. We are in the final stages of 4-H project staff assignments within 4-H Learning Pathways and anticipate that reveal at the first of the year. In subsequent tips sheets and Tuesday letter submissions I will be addressing questions posed during 4-H Program Rally. Have a great holiday season and thanks to all of you for your leadership and stewardship of the Kansas 4-H Youth Development Program. It is an honor to serve with you,
Job Title clarification
Effective January 1, 2019, there will be three full-time designations of 4-H Youth Development professionals at the Kansas State 4-H Office: Specialist, Coordinator, and Office Professional. There are also student workers and part-time coordinators who serve in various capacities. Please reference the following link for the 2019 Kansas State 4-H Youth Development Organizational Chart.
Office Role Changes
Dona Ratliff has been hired as program coordinator starting November 26. Her responsibilities include accounts payable for the 4-H Department, grant management, state office management, scheduling, assistance with interoffice communication, and secondary support for event, volunteer, and 4HOnline management. Chris Mullins continues as the primary contact for volunteer screening procedures.
Catherine Boudreaux has been serving temporarily within the 4-H Youth Development Office since October 25. Her responsibilities involve department finances and stewarding our account relationship with the Kansas 4-H Foundation. She will serve in this capacity until the last week of January. Sarah Sullivan will return around the week of January 21.
4-H Shooting Sports
Effective January 1, 2019, Anissa Jepsen and Chris Mullins will take primary statewide leadership and advocacy for 4-H Shooting Sports Education programs across Kansas. Jepsen and Mullins will assume the responsibilities from Pam Van Horn and Briana Jacobus who have given leadership to 4-H Shooting Sports Education for the past number of years.
4-H Camping
Effective January 1, 2019, Amy Sollock will take primary statewide leadership and liaison for 4-H Camping experiences across Kansas. Sollock will assume the responsibilities from Pam Van Horn who has given leadership to 4-H Camping Program in Kansas for the past 12 years.
The summer 4-H camp programs offer all youth a place to discover, learn, and grow. We live out the mission of Kansas 4-H, which encourages all young people to reach their full potential, by working and learning in partnership with caring adults.
Amy will also liaison with Rock Springs 4-H Center ( who has hosted many county 4-H camp experiences for generations and will continue to serve as a valuable partner in providing high quality, safe, and engaging learning opportunities for youth.
Culture and Communication Skill Development in 4-H
Effective January 1, 2019, Aliah Mestrovich Seay’s position title will change 4-H Youth Development Specialist with emphasis in Culture and Communication skill development. Both are essential skills to empowering youth to be true leaders in local communities and global contexts. Aliah is available to local units to constructively utilize university relationships and professional expertise to enhance individual personal skill development in youth. Equipping youth with effective interpersonal communication skills will enhance their abilities to listen to, communicate with and understand others. These skills are essential for effective problem solving within any type of communities. Research shows that youth empowerment and confidence is accelerated when a dynamic sense of belonging is present. Belonging characterized by a relentless welcoming and purposeful invitation to a pathway of learning with caring adults and peers. Aliah is available to local unit 4-H programs to help foster and advance positive youth development for all Kansas youth.
Thanks and Best Wishes to Laurin Wagner!
I would like to publicly thank Laurin Wagner for her service to Kansas 4-H Youth Development since June 2016 as the 4-H Events Assistant student worker. She has been a valuable contributor to the success of many events over the years. Join me in wishing her well as she transitions to Fort Worth to work as an industrial engineer.