November 13, 2020
Kansas Clover Classroom Needs YOUR Help!
Submitted by Susan Schlichting
Are you passionate about a particular 4-H project area? Have expertise to share? Ag Agents, FCS/FCW Agents, Community Vitality Agents, Horticulture Agents - We need YOUR help! We are working to create 4-H Project Challenges in every 4-H project area.
If you are interested in learning how to submit a 4-H Project Challenge, check out the webinar recording in the Professional Development Summer Learning Series. Found at: Teams > Youth Development > Files > 4-H Youth Development Professional Development > August 27 Kansas Clover Classroom. You’ll also find the submission instructions and link to the Qualtrics document for submitting your content to this new project.
Here’s the landing page. These will also be linked to their corresponding 4-H Project page.
Help us make this a "go to" resource for 4-H families and other educators!
Questions, contact Susan Schlichting or Patsy Maddy to learn more.
Submitted by: Susan Schlichting, project chair