November 13, 2020
4-H Program Rally Plans for 2021
The 2021 4-H Program Rally will look a bit different this year and it will be virtual! Please save these dates and times now and know that further information will be shared as it becomes available.
Sessions will be held January 26-27-28, 9 a.m. to Noon each day, with a focus on Increasing Learning in Multiple Delivery Modes. Topics to be explored include planning for learning, adapting to different delivery modes and marketing / promoting your program. Everyone will be welcome to attend these sessions.
On February 2-3, we will offer sessions from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. dealing with 4-H Online, K-State Website, Newsletters and Marketing. These will specifically be geared to Office Professionals and Program Assistants.
Questions? Contact Beth Hinshaw or Shane Potter.