October 15, 2021
Youth Development Specialist Hiring Update
Bob Weaber, Dan Devlin, and I are writing to share the status of the three 4-H Youth Development Specialist positions that have been open since July 12. First, thank you to search chair Aliah Mestrovich Seay and to the whole of the search committee for their dedication, attention in reviewing candidates and recommendations given to hiring supervisors. Your insights were valued and helped move the search forward.
Bob Weaber, Head of Eastern Kansas Research and Extension Centers, and I are excited to announce that Kelsey Nordyke has accepted the position of 4-H Youth Development Specialist for Agricultural Sciences. Starting October 31, her duties will also include local unit engagement and regional 4-H program development in the Eastern Region Local Extension Units.
Please join us in welcoming Kelsey to this new role and these responsibilities within the Kansas 4-H Youth Development Program.
Dan Devin, Interim Head of Western Kansas Research and Extension Centers, and I are sharing that position vacancies remain for the 4-H Youth Development Specialists positions in Healthy Living located in northwest Kansas and the campus-based STEM and Natural Resources position. Candidates who submitted their interest in the positions after the search committee’s initial review are now being reviewed. In the next week, Dan, Aliah and I will determine the next course of action.
With the retirement of Diane Mack, I want to thank Amy Sollock and Beth Hinshaw for generously resourcing local extension units regarding Kansas 4-H in her absence. Thank you to those specialists, coordinators, and office professionals in the Kansas 4-H office for working together to keep activities moving forward. Additionally, I express my sincere appreciation to local extension unit professionals who have stepped in to assist with many areas of 4-H program responsibilities beyond their local unit. It is that spirit of cooperation that will enable us to keep moving forward together.
Organizational responsibilities among 4-H professionals at the Eastern and Western Centers and the State 4-H office are being refreshed based upon current search realities and will be shared by the time Kelsey starts on Oct. 31. If you have any questions, please give the State 4-H Office a call at 785-532-5800 or email a 4-H professional, Bob Weaber, EKREC Head, (bweaber@k-state.edu, 785-477-1287) or Dan Devlin, WKREC Interim Head (ddevlin@ksu.edu; 785-532-9351) and we will get back to you as soon as we can.