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  4. »Save the Date: 4-H Wheat Expo

Kansas 4-H Tip Sheet

March 17, 2025

Save the Date: 4-H Wheat Expo

Submitted by Kelsey Nordyke

The Kansas 4-H Wheat Expo will be held Thursday, August 7, 2025 at the South Hutchinson Community Building. Tours are being finalized and registration information will be out soon.

The 4-H Wheat Expo is an opportunity for 4-H families to engage in learning more about Kansas Wheat and our Kansas Agricultural industry. Youth participants have the opportunity to take part in hands-on judging opportunities including a Crop ID contest, exhibiting wheat related projects for foods, photography, wheat variety plot educational displays, 1 lb. bin run for crops members, 1 lb. bin run for “adopt a producer”. Youth may bring multiple exhibits.